Wednesday 28 April 2010

The heater in front is a Reznor

Twenty-five Reznor warm air heaters have been fitted at different roof heights within the new 20,000m² Futuba Industrial factory to provide warmth and fresh air ventilation for a complex welding and assembly operation. The factory is in two open sections, each having different comfort and air quality requirements.

Futaba Industrial is based in Foston, Derbyshire. The company manufactures and supplies parts to automotive companies, including nearby Toyota. Parts of the production process produce a welding haze that must be removed from the internal atmosphere for health and safety reasons.

Consultants Industrial Design Associates specified gas-fired warm air heating as this would achieve the performance requirements of the end-user. M&E installation contractor Kershaw Mechanical Services of Cambridge selected Reznor units for their high specification, reliability and price.

The heaters maintain year-round warmth or ‘free’ fresh air cooling, depending on the season.

Serving the high-level pressing and moulding area, a total of 15no. Europak PV2096-10 high efficiency units were installed internally at 8m from floor level. The units are mounted on steelwork and are equipped with two motors to ensure optimum distribution of tempered and fresh air, which is ducted in from outside. A recirculation facility ensures economical running of the heaters as they re-use already heated air.

In the welding area, where build-up of haze could potentially compromise air quality, 10no. T2000E high efficiency heaters with a heat output of 36kW were mounted on internal walls. The lower roof height in this part of the factory required the heaters to be positioned at 5.5m from floor level.

The units are room-sealed, making them ideal for areas where dust, draughts, negative pressure or other non-corrosive contaminants are present. The combustion process is completely separated from the heated space. An integral flue gas fan exhausts the products of combustion and at the same time introduces fresh air from outside the building for combustion.

Jim Rowland, maintenance manager at Futaba Industrial, comments: “Air movement is an essential part of the welding process since a continual flow of air must be maintained. The Reznor heaters ensure the factory is in a steady state of ventilation at all times.”

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