Wednesday 28 April 2010

All-purpose heating in school sports hall

St Lawrence College, Ramsgate, is an independent school in the finest tradition with a long and illustrious history. Yet, when it comes to the comfort and safety of its 400 pupils using the multi-use hall, tradition is the last thing on the school’s mind.

The hall is used daily for a variety of sports and games, and regularly converts to an examinations room or drama theatre when required. The heating needs of the various activities are very different – active sports require lower air temperature and safety; examinees seated for several hours need a warmer environment and complete quiet.

The previous heating system provided none of these, being noisy, inefficient, and with potentially hazardous floor-mounted radiator panels. A replacement system would have to meet the school’s criteria of safety, unobtrusiveness, quiet operation and flexibility.

Installation contractor Domestic & Commercial Heating of Ramsgate worked with Reznor to specify and design a warm air system to answer the school’s specification. An RPV Pak unit was mounted externally, suspended on a specially fabricated steelwork platform.

Warm air is ducted through the external walls into the hall and distributed via a Reznor Air Mixing duct. Air Mixing is ideal for this type of application since it delivers tempered air to all parts of the building and without perceptible air movement.

The duct, which is made of durable coated pvc, is lightweight, quick to install and very efficient in heating a building both quickly and evenly. Tempered air is forced through thousands of perforations along the entire length of the duct at high speed, creating a negative pressure zone and inducing the surrounding air.

The result is a constant temperature suitable to the activity taking place – either 17°C for active sports or 21°C for exams or plays. Air is distributed uniformly throughout the building, eliminating temperature stratification or cold spots.

Reznor Air Mixing ducts are available in a range of bright colours to match internal décor without the need for painting. The system is also maintenance-free, adding to its economy of operation.

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